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Nonstandard rivet

Nonstandard rivet

  • Classification:Special Rivets
  • Views:second
  • Date of issue:2020-10-23 14:55:49
  • Summary
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According to the design scheme, the installation of c50l tightening system software does not need torque or several times of impact, the noise level is greatly reduced, and there will be no problem of eliminating smoke and toxic gas when welding, which greatly ensures the physical and mental health of the construction team, makes the construction site more quiet and relaxed, which is beneficial to improve the work efficiency. 5. The deviation of human factors is greatly reduced, because the installation of Huck standard parts using common tools, only a short period of practical operation, learning and training can completely serve as the installation regulations, so it is not necessary to employ welding technicians with working experience of double drum type all aluminum rivets. Mechanical automation installation can prevent the deviation which may be caused by human error, so that the installation of each anchor bolt can achieve the same tightening force. 6. Cost control: because of the high clamping characteristics and tightness of Huck standard parts, the new project after installation can be free from maintenance, which greatly reduces the huge maintenance cost. In addition, it is estimated that the separation of bolt rod and sleeve size semi hollow copper rivet is flush with the foundation, which can immediately distinguish whether the installation is proper or not, without using X-ray machine or torque clamp.



Next:Custom rivets2020-10-23


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